Front & Rear Paasenger Seating

Front Seat Pose Control

The front passenger seat has vehicle enter animations and places you in the default sit position. Once seated you can change your sit position by clicking the rear view mirror, using the pop up menu to change seat pose options.

Fron Seat Pose Menu Options

Opens window and turns seat position into aim out of window.

Opens window and sits avatar on the door looking backwards.

Opens window and sits avatar on the door looking forward.

Closes window and sits avatar in default sit position.


Seat position menu is only active with door closed.

Rear Seats Multi Pose

You vehicle has a divider in between the front and rear seats. If you hide the divider the rear seat poses are default sit, with enter animation. If the divider is shown the rear seats use the arrest animation system. For more information on arrest animation system see "HUD Controls" > Arrest in navigation menu.

Locking Or Ejecting Front & Rear Seats

Locking or ejecting front or rear seat avatars, to stop unwanted avatars from sitting in your vehicle. This can be done from the HUD, see "HUD Controls" > Seats in navigation menu.