Contacting Pro Street

Community Help

We have a few groups that you can quickly use to get help on your product. Our members love to help people solve problems and are as passionate about our products as we are.

Pro Street Help Free to join and has dedicated support staff.

Pro Street Elite L$250 Fee. A premium group that gives 15% discount on most purchases.

Pro Street Swagga L$2500 Fee / Also Free with limited edition vehicle purchase. Early Access to new release vehicles.

Contact Pro Street Direct

You can also contact us directly in-world, we are sometimes logged in but in other software building new products. If you do not get answer right away do not panic. Just ask your question and we will get with you as soon as we can. Please use the "Help Group" if your needs are urgent.

Scholes Devin Pro Street Builder.

Bobn4uyes Winkler Pro Street Madman.