Toolbag Delivery

Getting The Toolbag

  1. While stood outside the vehicle, click the trunk to open it.
  2. Click the drawer/cabinet inside the trunk.
  3. A pop up menu will appear, click "Accept" to get the Toolbag.

Attaching The Toolbag

  1. To find the toolbag in your inventory, you will need to search the name “PSC-Police Bag Work”.
  2. Right click on it, then click “Wear”.

Using The Toolbag

  1. With the Toolbag attached, left click it to open the menu.
  2. Select an item from the menu that you want to rez, you can also set a rez timer or temporary on rez.
  3. Go to mouselook by pressing
    key, then left click on the ground to rez items from the toolbag.

Toolbag Menu

Red Flare
Red LED traffic diverter.

Blue Flare
Blue LED traffic diverter.

Standard traffic cone.

Stick Flare
Tall LED traffic diverter.

Clean Up
Removes objects from scene.

15/ 30 or 60 Minutes, this will trigger automatic clean up of the scene when at set time.

Makes all items rezzed clean up in 60 seconds.

Toolbag Troubleshooting

Q: How do I know how many minutes the Timer is set to?

A: Click the bag and it will show in the menu at the top, under "Rez State".

Q: How do I turn the timer off?

A: Click the timer button, until the menu status shows timer off.

Q: How do I know what object is loaded before I rez it?

A: Menu status will show "Item Loaded".